Thursday, January 19, 2012

Qin Dynasty News Article; The Book Burning(s).

  Finished: Friday, January 27, 2012.
 By: Matthew James Collins.
          Extra Extra! Read all about it! Emperor Qin burns books on Confucianism! Scholars furious! Rebellion growing! Emperor Qin, Leader, doer, tyrant. The latter title he earned on his own accord. The burn of paper wafts and dawns the air in the sky. A Bonfire in the center of town, raging like the fires of hell alone. Emperor Qin, Emperor of China at that time, was a tyrant of sorts. A legalist tyrant. Qin thought some books on Confucianism went against his declarations and rule. With many attempts of banning the books in vain, Qin decided to take drastic measures, fire. Fire is said to cleanse and cure all sin. Which Qin was Legalist. Ergo it was just a matter of time before he tried to push the "sin" away. As Qin saw these writings as sin and spreading lies and propaganda, He decided to eliminate the threat. During this time and age, like stated Prior, Was during the rule of Emperor Qin, Unknown at what exact time, however it defiantly happened during his rule, As Qin ordered the burnings. The place they burned the books exactly is unknown. The estimated area was outside (for obvious reasons), Qin ordered all the books and literature to be incinerated at once. Due to Emperor Qin, and his knack for being an extremist legalist of sorts, anything he deemed that put a damper on his rule, laws, himself directly, or mostly against him at any given time and moment, Qin would try to "remove from the picture." per-se. What lead to this is pretty much straight forward, Qin wanted all competition out of his way, and those books/literature were in the wrong place at the wrong time and was caught by the WRONG Person. Any other information regarding this event was that afterwards, Scholars were furious with him, them and other citizens started rewriting the books from pure MEMORY and such. Burning the books made the citizens of China, intimidated by Qin even more, but at the same time, infuriated them, which bathed the flames of rebellion with hot coals.

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